Meeting wide-ranging needs as Japanʼs largest tubular products trading company
- Groupʼs
total power - Nationwide
network - Tradition and history
High specialization - Diverse product lineup
Warehousing and processing
- Total power of Sumitomo Corporation and Metal One Corporation groups
- We will fully leverage the broad range of capabilities, information and networks Sumitomo Corporation and Metal One Corporation groups collectively possess to offer new types of business proposals.
- A network that extends throughout Japan
- We operate sales offices and logistics centers from Hokkaido to Kyushu, providing services that target specific areas and offering just-in-time delivery.
- Business expertise, a high level of specialization, and more
- We will respond to market requirements with precision as a groundbreaking company destined to create the future of the pipe business by adopting the latest digital and other technologies. We will also make maximum use of our business expertise and high levels of specialization, which are underpinned by our traditions and histories.
- A diverse product lineup and warehousing and processing capabilities
- We provide high-value-added services that include handling diverse pipe and piping materials and engaging in processing, warehousing and sales that suit our customers’ needs.